We Code Your
Success Story

The digital agency which will turn your idea in the real digital product providing reliable solution

Our Services


From designing the system to crafting intuitive interfaces, we ensure that our clients' applications stand out with a blend of functionality and aesthetics.

by Our trusted partner:

web development

We create cross-platform mobile and web applications, using the latest technologies to deliver seamless experiences across multiple devices and platforms.


MVP enables you to quickly launch your minimum viable product, allowing you to validate your business idea and gather user feedback using easiest but efficient solutions


Bringing startups from the head to the market A comprehensive approach to startup development, even from the idea stage

by Our trusted partner:

Our experience

Indigo Bot AI

Indigo Bot is a freelancers' automation tool that helps users monitor their feed and automate the process of finding new job postings on Upwork, as well as applying for them utilising AI.


SeguroCoin is a cutting-edge mobile application available on both iOS and Android devices, designed to revolutionize Web3 insurance.


Jobbi is an innovative online platform designed to revolutionize the job search process in Poland

About Our Company

I’m Philip, a developer with a huge experience working in various European IT companies as well as freelancing. I have assembled a team of senior developers who specialize in offering comprehensive solutions to our clients, ranging from designing concepts to developing web and mobile applications from scratch. We possess the expertise to handle projects of any complexity level. Additionally, our utilization of cloud solutions enables us to efficiently manage even large-scale applications. Our philosophy is built upon a foundation of quality and professionalism.

Key benefits

User experience

A lightweight and user-friendly experience is crucial for attracting higher traffic to your applications.

High-load applications

With the auto-scaling mechanisms integrated into the cloud solutions we offer, we are capable of handling almost any level of traffic efficiently.

Reliable solutions

Reliability is of utmost importance as even a minute of application inaccessibility can result in significant costs. To ensure the highest level of reliability, we employ top-notch testing techniques to identify and eliminate any issues in the software we deliver to our clients.


Fast and clear communication with every client is a standard practice for us. We prioritize effective and transparent communication to ensure a smooth and productive collaboration with our clients.


To ensure the security of user data, we implement frameworks and network management techniques. These measures help us safeguard sensitive information and maintain the confidentiality and integrity of user data throughout our applications.


We adhere to well-established quality standards when writing our code, which ensures that it remains maintainable and supported over time. By following recognized industry practices, we strive to create code that is robust, efficient, and easy to maintain, providing long-term support for our applications.

Development process

At Vaya-soft, we follow a collaborative and efficient development process. We gather requirements, plan, design, and develop software with client feedback. Rigorous testing ensures high quality, and we provide seamless deployment and ongoing support.

In this phase, the software development team works with stakeholders to identify and document
the software requirements. This can include user stories, use cases, and functional requirements.
On this stage client gets fully completed technical requirements on the basis of which pricing and
estimates are calculated.

From designing the system to crafting intuitive interfaces, we ensure that our clients’ applications stand out with a blend of functionality and aesthetics.​

Development process is based on the
Scrum methodology, which emphasizes an
iterative, flexible approach to development.
This stage includes: Sprint Planning, Task
Assignment, Environment Setup, Coding,
Daily Stand-up and Code Review.
Client gets an access to the Kanban Board
with all tasks.

Throughout the testing process, the client has access to a Kanban board. This board provides an
overview of the testing process, including the progress of each test case and the status of any
reported bugs. Clients can use the board to track the testing process and provide feedback to the
development team.
During the testing process the feature rolled out in Testing Environment and after getting an approval
from the client the feature is ready to be deployed on Production Environment.

Once the software has passed final testing, the code is frozen. This means that no new features or
changes will be added to the release, and only bug fixes will be allowed.
The next step is to create release notes. These notes provide information about the new features and
bug fixes included in the release and provide customers with instructions on how to download and
install the software.
Once the release notes are created, the final step is to deploy the software. This involves making the
software available for access through the Browser in case of Web application or a distribution
platform like the App Store or Google Play Store in case of mobile app.
We are using CI/CD for deploying new versions so the new release is taking place without interrupting
an application usage.

Maintenance is critical to ensure that software remains functional and secure over time.
This involves fixing bugs, errors, or other issues that arise after software has been released. This can
include resolving issues with software functionality, addressing security vulnerabilities, and fixing
compatibility problems with other software or hardware.

We fully understand Client’s needs, so we are using Agile methodology which makes us flexible in adding
and developing new features.
Requesting new features is done in the same development workflow and can be added during each
stage of the project.

Technologies we use

Cutting-edge technologies

Our Team

Philipp Vaysman

Co-Founder, CEO

Backend/Frontend development specialist.

System architect.

Maksym Matiunin

Co-Founder, COO

Scrum master. Project Management specialist.


Ready to discuss your project?

We are here to assist you in creating a comprehensive requirements list. Feel free to contact us to discuss the details and get started. Book a free 30 minutes call with our founders.

Let's book a call

we will contact you to schedule a free 30 minutes
online consultation with our founders.

It solutions




Contact us


+48 510-979-523

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